Friday 31 May 2013

The Beauty of Island Life

I just want to reflect on some of the incredible beauty I have seen and experienced here in Dominica. Not only is this place full of enchanting nature, but also very kind people. In Dominica I've found community. A community of open hearted and compassionate peoples at Ross, and communities of accepting folks all over the island. We greet our neighbors and often stop for a short chat, even when in a hurry. Why? I've never had "time" for this before, but suddenly I feel compelled to stop and exchange a few meaningful words. And I've witnessed myself say this now multiple times: for the first time in at least eight years I have time... time to breathe.

Dylan in bright sunlight, sucking down a coconut & lookin' like an angel.

The highest point on the boiling lake hike.

In Trafalgar Valley on the day of my birth.

At the mouth of Picard River at sunset on Mother's Day.

Purple Orchid/Lilies in the pond at our house

Thank you Mother Earth for revealing your endless bounty. May we never take for granted the workings of nature and the process for which life delivers us. 

Jai Ma!


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